Some books, comics and manga I have read, want to read or know of or that others have told me about!

Mangas/Comics that are completed will be in a drop-down click called COMPLETED if you only want to read completed works but most of them listed here have at least 20+ chapters!

For manga/comics that say Adults just means that they’re for adult age groups, specifically early 20s and on! Like the manga has adult characters, tones, etc.!

Ratings are 1 emote out of 5 [Novels Only].

Spicy/NSFW =🌶️

Soft/Safe Romance = ☁️

Emotional/It’ll make ya cry like a mf = 😭

Gore/Violence = 🩸

(I have) Finished/Read = ✅

YA = Young Adult **

A = Adult

More of 1 Emoji rating means how intense it’ll be! (For example: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ = Insane Spice)

I put emojis on some novels to help indicate what kind it will be for you guys to easily identify with just a glance.

These emotes are based on reviews (if I haven’t read them) or what I’ve read and interpret them as. In case you’re curious about ones that I may have read indicated by ✅, feel free to ask me Qs!

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